Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access the library catalog?
Click on the Access Follett Destiny icon.
How do I put a book on hold?
Watch this video about putting a book on hold! UPDATE: Books will now be waiting on you in the Media Center instead of being delivered to your English classroom.
How many library items can I have at one time?
Students can check out to 2 at a time.
Need help finding a good book?
When will I receive my book?
When you receive an email saying your book you’ve placed on hold is ready for pick up, please pick it up on your assigned library checkout day or you may come down to the library sooner if, and only if, you have a pass from your classroom teacher.
When should I return my book?
A book can be checked out for 2-weeks at a time.
Where do I return my book?
Please return any library items to the book drop that is to the left of Mrs. Whitmarsh’s desk.
How can I renew my book?
You can bring your book to the circulation counter to be renewed in person or you can send a message to Julie Neff a picture of the book’s barcode to Mrs. Neff. The barcode is found on the upper right-hand side of the back of the book, near the spine.
How long will a book be in quarantine once it is returned?
Currently, the library staff is not required to quarantine books. If this changes, the quarantine time will be for a minimum of 72 hours.
If I do not want to check out a physical book, where can I go to read eBooks and audiobooks?
You can check out a large collection of fiction and nonfiction titles through Sora. Watch this quick introduction video then follow the instructions below.
Go to Sora app, click “Find my school,” choose “Edmond Public Schools,” click “Sign in using Edmond School District 12.” Once you are signed in, click on the 3 lines in the upper right corner, and click the green plus sign that says, “Add a library.” There you will type in Metropolitan Library Systems. This will add thousands of additional titles for you to read.
Open Educational Resources is a public digital library. Here you can find a collection of various resources including the Folger Shakespeare Library.
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. This is a great resource to use if you are looking for classics.