The words October Cheyenne Showcase  in front of colorful confetti

On Friday, Oct. 25th, Cheyenne's teachers and students honored the October Students of the Month and Mustangs of Character in an assembly. Each grade level team chose a male and a female student for the Student of the Month award. They then shared about each student's traits that makes them a great representative of the grade level. The Mustangs of Character are chosen based on the student's P.R.I.D.E. attributes. P.R.I.D.E. stands for Mustangs being Positive, Respectful, using Integrity, being Dependable, and giving their best Effort every day. After the awards were handed out, a team challenge began. In the relay race, Advisory teachers were paired with one student from their Advisory class, they then competed in an epic battle of Simon Says.

12 students holding Student of the Month certificates7th grader, Liam Fraser, receiving a certificate8th grader, Hadley Huffman, receiving a certificate8th grader Venice Bandy receiving an award6th grader, Emmanuel  Enriquez receiving an award6th grader, Olivia Colburn receiving an awardStudents and staff playing Simon Says