On February 7th, the Cheyenne Mustangs celebrated at a pep rally to wrap up Mustangs Making a Mark (MMM) Week—our annual philanthropic opportunity. This year, we teamed up with No Boundaries International, a nonprofit founded by Dr. Lori Basey, a trauma therapist who’s all about supporting people in need. Every dollar raised during MMM Week went straight to NBI to help them do their amazing work.
Throughout MMM week, students bought goodie cards, raffle tickets, and even had the chance to challenge the principals to do some hilarious tasks. (We’re talking spinning the wheel for some pretty wild principal tasks, no joke!) For the pep rally games, we had a legendary human Hungry Hungry Hippo competition and a teacher vs. student relay race.
It was a blast—and we’re not kidding when we say you’ll want to watch the video to catch all the fun. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it!